Air Connections to Ontario Canada's Heartland:
For general travel information, click here.Bearskin Airlines offers air service directly to the Patricia Region of Northwestern Ontario, Canada
Gateway Airports :
There are two Canadian international airports that service our area. They are located in:
Winnipeg, Manitoba - Phone 204 982-7543
Thunder Bay, Ontario - Phone 807 473-2600
Main Heartland Airports with Scheduled Air Service:
Dryden: (807) 937-4959
Red Lake: (807) 662-2581
Sioux Lookout: (807) 737-2829
Commercial Airlines serving Canada's Heartland or a Gateway Airport:
Bearskin Airlines: 1-800-465-5039
Air Canada: 1-888-247-2262
Wasaya Airways: 1-800-423-3393
Northwest: 1-800-225-2525
United Airlines: 1-800-241-6522
Canadian Travel Agents:
Aries Travel , Dryden, Ontario (807) 223-5374
Flying your own Airplane to Ontario Canada's Heartland:
If you are arriving in Canada by private aircraft, you have to land at a designated place for customs reporting. In an emergency situation, such as severe weather conditions, you may have to land your aircraft at a place that is not designated. In this case, you have to report the circumstances to a customs office or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Before leaving a foreign airport, you should call one of our customs offices at 1-888-226-7277 at least one hour, but not more than 72 hours, before flying into Canada. Hours of service vary by airport depending on the need for local services.Dryden Airport - YHD
The Dryden Airport is operated by the City of Dryden and located 10 km (6 miles) from Dryden, ON on Airport Road. There is a comfortable, modern passenger terminal. Scheduled Air Services at the Dryden Regional Airport are provided by Bearskin Airlines with connections to Air Canada, Northwest Airlines and WestJet. Aircraft charter services are provided by Hicks & Lawrence and Superior Helipcopters. National Car Rental operates a booth at the terminal.Details:
Elevation: 1354 ASL
Location: Lat. N49 49 54 Long. W92 44 39
Rwy 12 (115o)/30 (295o) 6000x150 asphalt Thld 30 displ 200'. Rwy 06 (055o)/24 (235o) 2000x75 sand,
Lighting: 12-AS(TE HI) P1, 30-AD (TE HI) P1 ARCAL - 122.1 type K
Airport Facilities:
Fuel: 100LL, JA, FSII May 1 - Sep 15 13-02Z±; Sep 16-Nov 01 14-24Z± Mon-Fri, 14-22Z± Sat-Sun; Nov 02-Apr 01 14-22Z± Mon-Fri, 14-18Z± Sat-Sun; Apr 02-Apr 30 14-23Z± CTC 807-221-8032 or 1-866-812-5443 or Fax 807-937-5122
Oil: 20W50 and TURBO 2380 only
Canada Customs Available: call 1-888-CAN-PASS or 1-888-226-7277
For more information contact:
Mr. George Friesen (Manager)
Phone: (807)-937-4959
Fax: (807)-937-6042
Red Lake Airport - YRL
The Red Lake airport is owned by the Corporation of the Municipality of Red Lake and operated by Winnipeg Flight Services. There is a comfortable, modern passenger terminal. Services offered twenty-four hours (24) include tie-downs and telephone while on-call services and licensed mechanics are also available.Customs services are available upon request from May 17 to October 13 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. For more information on customs call 1-888-226-7277.
Elevation: 1265 ASL
Location: Lat. N51.04.01 Long. W93.47.35, Cochenour, Ontario
Type: asphalt, all-weather surface
Length: 5000' x 150'
Direction: 08-26
Lighting: ARCAL - 122.3 Type K, VASSIS, ODALS, REILS, rotating beacon
Navigation Aids: VOR/DME YRL 114.0 Ch. 87 NDB RL 218 (M)
Airport Facilities:
Fuel: 100LL and Jet A
Aviation Oil: All
ESSO: 1-807-662-7241
NOTAM and Weather Services:
NOTAM & FSS: Winnipeg Flight Services: 1-866-WXBRIEF (1-866-992-7433)
Winnepeg Radio 122.1
Weather: Winnipeg Flight Services: 1-866-WXBRIEF (1-866-992-7433)
For more information contact:
The Corporation of the Municipality of Red Lake
P.O. Box 1000
Balmertown, Ontario
P0V 1C0 1-807-662-2581
Sioux Lookout Airport - YXL
The Sioux Lookout Airport is owned and operated by the Municipality of Sioux Lookout. Airport staff operate on a daily schedule of seventeen (17) hours a day, six days per week (Sunday - Friday), and sixteen (16) hours daily on Saturday. The hours of operation are 0500 hours to 2300 hours, local time, Sunday to Friday and 0500 hours to 2200 hours on Saturday. The Airport is open to traffic 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is known for its excellence in service and operational efficiency.Available Fuel includes: Jet B with FSII, AV Gas - 110 LL as well as various grades of aviation oil. After hours call-out service is available.
The main non-precision runway is RWY 16-34, which is 5000 feet by 100 feet paved surface, lighted, and served by PAPI's. It is suitable for use by aircraft with wing spans less than 36 meters (118 feet) and accommodates aircraft weighing up to 27,270 kg (60,000 lb.).
The Airport is served by a non-instrument approach via the NDB. The runway is lighted for night operations with medium intensity threshold and edge lights along with runway end identification light (REIL’s), and precision approach path indicators (PAPI?s) at each threshold. Runway 34 has a NDB approach, while runway 16 has a G.P.S. and NBD/DME approach a vailable for navigation to the Airport.
Our secondary runway 03-21 has oiled sand and gravel surface 2200 feet by 50 feet. This runway is designed as non-instrument runway suitable for aircraft with wing spans less than 15m (50 feet) and can accommodate aircraft weighing up to 5600 kg. (12,000 lb.). This runway is used only during the day for VFR operations.
The airport currently has two taxiways (TWY A) and (TWY B). Please check with FSS or the Canada Flight Supplement for compete up to date details.
The main apron is located near the northerly end of Taxiway A adjacent to the air terminal building. The apron area is paved and is being used for refueling, passenger and freight loading and unloading, and short term aircraft parking.
NavCanada operates a 24 hour Flight Services Station (FSS) at the airport providing flight planning assistance, weather information and traffic advisory to aircraft operating in the area. Flight Services Station also operates a meteorological observation station in co-operation with Environment Canada.
For current status of the CANADA FLIGHT SUPPLEMENT MANUEL Please contact Natural Resouces Canada: 1-613-995-0947 (Ottawa, ON)
For more information contact:
Municipality of Sioux Lookout Airport
P.O. Box 158 Sioux Lookout, ON P8T 1A4
Phone (807) 737-4931 Fax (807) 737-2985
Airport Manager (807) 737-2829
Flight Services (807) 737-2819